Welcome to the troll capital of the world; or as you see it on the map little ol’ Mt Horeb, Wisconsin. This adorable town is small, covered in greenery and flowers, and has the most unique little carved residents all around town, trolls.
Now don’t go thinkin these are pink trolls with long hair that will break out into song when come nearby, no these are Scandinavian trolls. Crooked noses, long tails, 4 fingers, 4 toes, and short little creatures; these wooden/iron are traditionally built in honor of their Scandinavian background.
Who says you have to be a troll to celebrate “trollstice?” It is a FREE and fun activity to do whether on your own or with kids! Take to the town and go for your own troll hunt in Mt Horeb, Wisconsin!
Why Trolls?
First off the real question is why not trolls!? Just kiddin! A Scandinavian gift shop in town, Open House Imports, began putting trolls outside their shop to reel in the tourist and customers. This unique attraction was seen by those passing through town and of course made people stop and look at the trolls in Mt Horeb.
It became know as the “Trollway” as the town began spreading this tradition and adding more and more trolls. The main artist of many of these trolls is Michael Feeney, and we have him to thank for some of the town’s favorites! Make sure you come and hunt for trolls in Mt Horeb!
Helpful Tips For Your Troll Hunt
Before you begin hunting for trolls in Mt Horeb, Wisconsin; there are a couple things you should have or know to help you have the best time!
- Either download the Troll map or grab a map while in town. There are free troll maps at the Mt Horeb Chamber of Commerce building in a box in front of the door. This map will have all of the trolls and general location of them. There were 2 trolls added recently, so the online site will have all of the trolls where the pamphlet might not. Click here for the online map.
- Save each location on your google map! You don’t have to do this, but this was a huge help to me! I have done many a painted statue hunt and I have found that if I map it out before hand, my path is more known to me and also I can best plan my route to see them all. Also the map is not very detailed and so it is hard to find where the trolls are based on the actual map.
- Plan your route before you go! There are over 24 trolls around town. That is a lot of trolls! Plus there are troll restaurants, a troll home, a troll gift shop, and other troll activities! If you want to find them all then plan your route ahead of time!
- Drive to the trolls in Mt Horeb that are outside of downtown; they are too far to walk to and you won’t get to see them all. I advise you walk to see all the trolls that are downtown, which is the majority of the trolls. They are close enough that you can walk to them all, plus you get to see all the other fun troll things around town that you would not get to see if you were driving!
- Obviously bring your camera! These trolls are way too fun not to get a picture of them!
- Plan the right day and time to go on your hunt! Make sure when you go on your troll hunt it is on days where banks and other companies are open, because there are trolls inside these buildings. After they close you can not see them.
Other Fun Troll Activities Besides Art:

- Sugar Troll– The cutest little ice cream/candy store you will ever see! The Pumpkin Cheesecake Gelato will forever be in my dreams. It was that good!
- Grumpy Troll Brew Pub– Burgers, pizza, and beers; what every troll loves to eat.
- Open House Imports– There are trolls inside, but also stuffed trolls, books of trolls, statues of trolls, and every troll souvenir you could hope for.
Hunting for Trolls In Mt Horeb, Wisconsin
So you are ready to go hunt some trolls are you? Hopefully you have your route all mapped out already, you have your map downloaded, and your camera ready! I went a head and put our route that we took to go see the trolls and it worked perfect.
We drove through the first half and then the last couple, the rest we walked to. I indicated which ones we drove to and which ones we walked to. When we walked through the downtown area, we started on one side of the street and then turned around on our way back to our car did the other side of the street. This will help so that you are crossing the street every other block.
We, unfortunately, went on our troll hunt on Labor Day (which I do not recommend) so we didn’t get to see any of the indoor trolls. So pick your troll hunting day wisely! Either way it will be a unique and fun experience that you are your kids will love!

1. The roundabout connecting Springdale St, Ridgeview Rd, and Lillehammer Ln.
On the hillside of Ridgeview Rd and Springdale St is a troll in the hillside. (Drive)

2. GrandStay Hotel & Suites, 175 Lillehammer Ln.
There is a Viking looking warrior troll sitting by the doorway to the hotel. (Drive)

3. Miller & Sons Supermarket, 1845 Springdale St.
Walk through the front door of the supermarket to find 3 trolls welcoming you to the store. The butcher, the baker, and a baby! (Drive)

4. Farmer Savings Bank, 1833 Springdale St.
Waving you down as you enter the bank is a troll standing by the front door. (Drive)
5. State Bank of Cross Plains, 1740 Bus Hwy 18/151 E
Look inside and you will find! Bank was closed when we were troll hunting:( (Drive and park in parking lot, walk to the next 2)

6. Village Smile Care, 1730 Springdale St.
Standing in front of the dental office with the biggest toothbrush I have ever seen is the next friendly troll. (Walk)

7. Culvers, 1700 Springdale St.
Just try to walk away from this next troll without an ice cream in hand. Not only is he eating his own ice cream, but he is standing by the picnic area of Culvers! (Walk)
8. Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic, 1505 Springdale St.
Look inside and you will find! It was closed the day we went on our troll hunt:( (Drive)

9. Mount Horeb Public Library, 105 Perimeter Rd.
Sitting outside the door, don’t bother this troll as he is reading a book. (Drive)

10. The Happy Place Troll, 200 Hanneman Blvd.
Sitting one on top of the other these trolls are sitting on the corner of the middle school by a small garden. (Drive)

11. Mound City Bank, 1100 Springdale St.
This troll has all the loot, giving you a look at what a bank may have before you walk through the door. (Drive)

12. 207 N. 8th St.
Standing proud in front of the realtors office is Ragnar the Rusty. (Drive and park in the parking lot)

13. Family Dental Care, 522 Springdale St.
So before I mentioned that a troll was holding the biggest toothbrush I had ever seen. I may have spoken too early, cause this troll is so big you can only see his hand sticking out to the ground, with an enormous tooth brush! (Walk)

14. American Family Insurance, 402 E. Main St.
Remember the legend of the billy goats gruff, well that troll under the bridge is here! Look above him to find the goats. Next to him is another troll with quite the belly! (Walk)

15. Open House Imports, 308 E. Main St.
The famous gift shop that started it all. Yes this is where the original trolls began so look inside and out for 3 trolls on property. This is also where the troll house is! (Walk)

16. Mount Horeb Welcome Center, 300 E. Main St.
There are 5 trolls here some inside and some outside. The troll mayor will welcome you in! (Walk)
17. Mount Horeb Telephone Co., 200 E. Main St.
Look for the troll! We missed this one:( (Walk)
18. Driftless Historium, 100 S. Second St.
Look for the 2 trolls inside! It was closed the day we did our troll hunt:( (Walk)

19. Grumpy Troll Brew Pub, 105 S. Second St.
Sitting out front of this Pub is the Grumpy Toll himself! (Walk)

20. Military Ridge Support Station, Second St.
Surrounded by many creatures made of metal this happy looking troll is headed for a bike ride. (Walk)

21. Sunn Cafe at 201 E. Main Street
Standing at the entrance, leaning against the flowers is the metal Hilde of Sunn, a warrior princess troll (Walk)
22. The Cat and Crow, 205 E. Main St.
Look inside to find! It was closed the day we did our troll hunt:( (Walk)
23. Adler-Lunder Building, 303 E. Main St.
Look for the troll. We forgot to find this troll:( (Walk)

24. Corner of Springdale St. & Main St.
This gardener troll is a heavy set happy troll surrounded by so many beautiful flowers! (Walk and walk back to car)
25. Center Ground Studios, 302 E Lincoln St
This metal troll is resting a yard of other metal art work. Unfortunately, we didn’t stop to get a picture, but we saw it from our car:( (Drive)
26. Aztlan Mexican Grill, 407 W. Main St.
Look for the troll! We missed this troll on our troll hunt:( (Drive)
Other Things To Do In Mt Horeb, Wisconsin
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