Once upon a time is happening now at one the most magical festivals there ever was. Literally magical! There are unicorns everywhere!! The Colorado Unicorn Festival is equivalent to living a little girl’s dream. Picture what a little girl would dream of and that is what you will experience!
What is the Colorado Unicorn Festival?

The Colorado Unicorn Festival is exactly what it says, a Unicorn Festival. Yes, I do mean the magical horses with a horn! Everywhere you turn around there will be unicorns. Stuffed unicorns, unicorn balloons, horses with unicorn horns, people dressed as unicorns, unicorn cookies, unicorn bouncy houses, literally all things unicorn! It is a celebration of this mythological creatures, where for the day they become real.
Unicorns are the center of this event, but come ready to interact with and celebrate all things fantasy. Princesses, pirates, mermaids, dragons, queens, fairies, and more. It is a festival for all fairy tale creatures! Walk around and enjoy an assortment of activities, from bouncy houses, petting arenas, photo ops, and more. There also many shows and performances to watch.
This is a newer festival to the Denver/Littleton area, having only been around since 2017. It may be a new event, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it is lame! No way! This was labeled at the “Best New Festival” on the Denver area!
When does the Colorado Unicorn Festival happen?
Summer time! Yes this is a summer time activity! The exact date is not the same every year, but it has pretty much been in the month of June since it began. So check your calendars and follow their website at https://www.unicornfestivalcolorado.com.
How much does the Colorado Unicorn Festival cost?
Entrance fee is a little pricey, but not too out of the wazoo expensive compared to other festivals. As of 2021, it was $25 per person per day. Good news though children 2 years and younger are FREE! That is not the only thing that is free! Parking is FREE!!
Now I know you are thinking, $25 is still quite a bit of money; especially with a family. Never fear, discounts are here. Just go to the website (https://www.unicornfestivalcolorado.com) and if you are a family of 4 you get a discount! This offer is only online so if you buy your tickets at the gate, which I do not recommend, you will not get the family of 4 discount.
This $25 is not just an admission ticket, it is a ticket to do all activities! All bouncy houses, unicorn rides, story times, fairy dances, craft corners, all of it is included in the price of your ticket!
The only things you will spend money on other than your ticket is food or anything you want to buy from vendors. There are stands selling books, cookies, soaps, and more; and might I add that it is all unicorn related! Vendors and food are obviously optional payments. If you are not wanting to spend more than just don’t buy anything.
Things to bring to the Colorado Unicorn Festival:
- Sunscreen– Did I mention that this is a summer festival? Put the pieces together, summer, sun, hot, sunburn! You will thank me later!? Spray sunscreen is the easiest to apply to squirming little kids and doesn’t annoy them with the white color and greasy lotion feeling.
- Costume– It is so much more fun to be at this festival when you are dressed to play the part. My little girl was in heaven dressed like a princess and being surrounded by other little kids and adults dressed as fairies, pirates, princesses, mermaids, and unicorns.
- Foldable Wagon– Practically the entire festival is in the grass. Unless you have a great all terrain stroller, it is very challenging to get around. A wagon is great for giving your kid the open option of walking or riding. It is easy to pull through a crowd and through grass and dirt. Also it gives you room to bring anything else you need without the weight of it on your back.
- Baby Carrier– If you have a baby the easiest way to do this festival is with them in a carrier. Strollers are really hard to push around the grounds and grass, so if you can carry them that will make maneuvering the festival so much easier. This carrier by tiny-todder.com is the absolute best. It keeps the babies weight off of your shoulders and has a sun covering to keep them from getting burned. Just use my discount code 2Camilla15 for a 15% off of your order!
- Socks– Every time your kid gets on a bouncy house they will have to take their shoes off. Unless you want your kid jumping barefoot on all of those germy bouncy houses I suggest you bring socks. Also it keeps their feet 100% more clean.
- Cash- No ATMs
Activities At The Colorado Unicorn Festival:
All day long there are performances happening throughout the festival! Over in the Agrabah section were belly dancing mermaids. In the fairy circle you can watch the fairy ballet. There are also a series of performances on the big stage, such as a Mariachi band and a Princess Anna sing-a-long. I suggest you grab a schedule when you enter the park so that you know what shows are going on, when, and where.
Authors and Storytellers tell the tales of princesses and unicorns throughout the day in a covered pavilion. A very fun activity for the little ones. Again grab a schedule when you enter the park to know who is telling stories, what stories are being told and when!
Costume Contest-

The cost of admission is $25 a person, but what if you could get that back plus and extra $75 on top of that! That’s $100 you could leave with in your pocket! Each afternoon there is a gathering for a costume party. There are many different categories to be judged on such as the best unicorn, princess, mermaid, fantasy, and who has the best unicorn hair. Each category is broken up between adults and children. It is so fun to see all the different costumes and cosplay characters of the fantasy realm. Come dressed to win!

What would a festival be without festival food!? Come and eat the delicious classical fair foods of turkey legs, popcorn, lemonade, and funnel cakes. They also have the biggest hot dogs I have ever seen! Literally bigger than my 2 year old’s head!
If you are not wanting the classics a fair can offer than never fear, the food trucks are here! We pigged out on some mac and cheese at the Mac n Noodles food truck! Be sure to stop by and get yourself a rainbow snow cone though, cause what could be more unicorn like to eat than that?
Book Signing-
This was an unexpected surprise for me when I attended the festival! They had authors there selling and signing books! I grew up reading the Serendipity books and the authors were there! Selling their books and signing them!
If you have not read a Serendipity book to your kiddos than do not deprive them any further! Buy a book and have an amazing story time with them! My personal favorites are Sooty-Foot, Weedle on the Needle, Muffin Muncher, and Frazzle! So be prepared to find some amazing unicorn/fantasy themed books!
Unicorn Petting-

There are unicorns (aka horses with horn headbands) all over the place. There are pens filled with tiny little unicorns for some tiny little kiddos to pet. Let me remind you that this is all with the price of admission!
Owners have the unicorns all painted and colorful. Some are huge and some are tiny. Some have rainbow tails, while others have flowers braided into their manes. They are the sweetest little unicorns too and so patient with the kiddos. Plenty of opportunities to take pictures right up next to these mystical creatures.
Unicorn Riding-

Take a short walk around the pen on the back of a unicorn! This is a dream come true for any little girl. Mine was no exception!
Meet Princesses-

Elsa, Anna, Mulan, Tiana, Aroura, Merida, Ariel; they are all here! Throughout the day stand in line to meet and greet with the princesses you have come to love. This was like the biggest thing in the world to my little daughter. She loved interacting with Elsa, telling her about herself, and getting a picture with her.
It is such a fun activity. Dress your little princess up to match her favorite princess, for a special dream come true moment of meeting their role models!
Meet Other Fantasy Characters-

Not only are their princesses to meet, but other fantasy creatures and characters. The queen with her ladies and waiting roam around the festival, ready for to take pictures. There are fairies and mermaids that you can meet and greet. Obviously many a unicorn to meet as well.
There is also a character for the little boys as well. Pirates invade the land as Jack Sparrow takes the spot light for a meet and greet.
Bouncy Houses-

There are bouncy houses everywhere! Bouncy houses shaped like dragons, butterflies, unicorns, and castles. There are obstacle course bouncy houses, slide bouncy houses, and just plain old bouncing bouncy houses. Because there are so many too, it makes it nice that it is not long lines to get on the plain bouncing bouncy houses.
The obstacle course bouncy houses are a different story. The lines for these can get backed up pretty quick and very long. I suggest doing these bouncy houses towards the beginning of your visit, so you don’t have to wait in the long lines later in the day.
Bubble Tower-

Bubbles all day long! Not gonna lie this was my 2 year old son’s favorite part! In the middle of the festival is a giant tower that is blowing huge bubbles. They were blowing all around the festival and my little toddlers loved chasing them and popping them. It kind of has a magical feel about it too!
Quidditch Tournaments-
Wizards live in the fantasy world too! Every wizard loves the magical broom game of Quidditch. Set up with hoops and balls. Ride your stick and join in the game!
Dance Party and Karaoke-
Its not a ball, but hey it sure is a party! A DJ comes to the main stage and the dancing and singing begins!
There is a craft pavilion for kids to make something to remember the festival by.
Helpful Tips for the best time at the Colorado Unicorn Festival:

- Get there early! We got there an hour early and were the 3rd family into the park. The line can get really long really fast.
- Don’t park at the park. Park at the mall! Parking is a nightmare at the park itself. If you park at the mall there is a free shuttle that will take you to the festival. They check you in and give you your wristbands before you get on the shuttle, so you don’t have to wait in line to get into the festival, you just have to show them your wristband. Also the shuttle drops you off right at the entrance, so you don’t have to walk far.
- Bring sunscreen! It is HOT and sunny!
- Have your kids wear shoes that are really easy to get on and off. They have to take off their shoes at every bouncy house and it gets real tedious if you have to tie shoe laces or use fancy buckles. I suggest something that just slips on and something that you wear with socks. Those bouncy houses get really dirty and socks will keep your little ones feet cleaner.
- Go to see the princesses first! Those are the longest lines and the longest wait times. The princesses don’t just take pictures they talk to your little ones and so it takes a while to get through.
- Make sure you get to the obstacle bouncy houses and the unicorn rides as soon as you can. Those are the longest lines.
- If you don’t want to pay a ton of money of food, pack a lunch. The food trucks and fair food stands are not cheap.
- Bring water! Did I mention it is really hot?
- If dressing up do not put accessories on your children until you want a picture or right before the costume contest. Those princess crowns and gloves are not comfortable and your little toddlers will rip them right off and you will not be able to get them back on them.
- Bring a foldable wagon to haul kids, almost the entire festival is in a bumpy grass area.
- Grab a schedule as soon as you walk into the festival so that you know when story time and shows are starting.
- Bring a friend. Don’t do this festival alone, it is so much more fun with someone there with you!
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