Spring in the Texas hill country is one of the most amazing events to witness in this giant state! Hills transform from green to blue with the explosion of blooming bluebonnets. The cattle to roam the prairies are followed by tiny calves. The weather is warming up, but still comfortable to walk around. The trees are blooming and the grass is so green. It is magnificent!
People from all over the world travel to see the beauty that Texas offers in the spring. Austin and its surrounding towns are one to the most highly visited areas during this season. While kids may not find looking at trees and flowers that exciting; Georgetown, Texas offers an perfect spring alternative activity they will love.
The best Texas Spring activity for kids is spending Easter at Sweet Eats Farm in Georgetown, Texas. This farm is the perfect family friendly spring activity. Flowers are blooming, the peach orchards are blossoming, and the baby animals are leaping around testing their new legs! This is a farm the whole family will enjoy and one you will leave with a pocket full of hay and a camera full of memories!
General Information About Sweet Eats Farm:
Location: 14400 E State Hwy 29, Georgetown, TX 78626
Hours: Daily 9am-6pm
Admission: $18.95 online +$1 Fee, $23.95 at gate, baby bottle feeding $11
Other Festivals and Events: Feb: Baby Animal Fest, Mar-Apr: Easter, May: Flower & Food Fest, Jun-Jul: Sunflower Fest, Sept-Oct: Fall Fest, Nov-Dec: Christmas Fest
Website: https://www.sweeteats.com/

Tips For A Stress Free Visit:
- Bring a wagon! Normally I tend to avoid strollers and wagons as much as possible. They are just a nuisance to deal with, but this is one place I highly suggest you come with a wagon! Note I did say wagon and not stroller. A lot of strollers cannot handle the grassy, rocky terrain, but wagons can. I mean if you want to carry around an exhausted kid through this huge farm be my guest!
- Bring water! If I could give you one piece of advice to give you the best experience possible, then this would be it. There are 2 places to buy water at this farm; the Grill and the Gift Shop. Both of which will cost you around $4 a bottle. Bring a lot of water. Everything you are doing is very physical and Texas, even in the spring, can get pretty hot!
- Wear sunscreen. The sun shines bright in Texas and you will not always be covered by the sun, so lather up with that sunscreen.
- Bring your own food. Just like any attraction, there is food you can buy, but it is way more expensive. You can bring your own food and there are plenty of picnic tables throughout the farm.
- Head to face painting after the pig races. Face painting is included with admission, which is really cool! Problem is that face painting takes a little while and the line can build fast. Either skip the pig races (which I do not recommend cause they are hilarious) or head over to the face painting station as soon as the races are done for the shortest line.
- Visit on a weekday. One of the coolest features of this farm is that it is open everyday of the week. Most farms only open for the weekend and get SO busy! Sweet Eats is open throughout the week, so if you want to visit the farm without the crowds then a weekday is your best bet.
- Buy tickets online for $5 off. To reassure you get in when you are wanting to go you will want to buy a ticket ahead of time online. Though you are going to want to buy your tickets online anyway, because you can get $5 off purchasing your tickets online.
- Visit in the mornings when it is not so hot. Just because its spring does not mean it can’t get hot. If you head to the farm in the morning the animals are more active because of the cooler weather and you will enjoy the farm more as well.
- Instead of walking across the farm, use the free tractor rides to get around the farm. There is a tractor that transfers people from the front end of the farm to the back, then back again. This farm is so big, use the tractor to save your legs!
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Things To Do At Sweet Eats Farm In Spring:
Baby Days:

If cuddling and holding baby animals isn’t enough to convince you to come visit this farm then honestly I don’t think anything else will. In the months of Jan-April, Sweet Eats Farm has its Baby Days celebration. What is Baby Days you might ask?
Well picture having about 50 pens of baby lambs, baby kids (baby goats), baby calves, and baby chicks! Cute right!? No it gets better! You can walk into any of these pens and hold the babies, pet the babies, and bottle feed the babies!! So you just go from pen to pen and hold babies! This is the best part of Easter at Sweet Eats Farm!
Tractor Ride:

Climb into a giant wagon hooked to a tractor. This tractor will take you for a ride around the farm. It stops at the back and the front of the farm so you don’t have to walk so farm. The ride takes you right by the peach orchard, growing Christmas trees, and the strawberry fields. It is a really beautiful ride!
Pig Race:

Cheer on Luke ‘Swine’walker, Taylor ‘Swine’, and Elvis ‘Pigs’ley as they race around the track. I mean really cheer for them, the louder you cheer the faster they will run!
Race Times are 11am, 2pm, and 5pm! Don’t miss them!
Horse Rides:

If I couldn’t see you on visiting simply for the Baby Days, then this is my other selling point. Unlimited horse and pony rides! Okay maybe this is just a big selling point for me cause I LOVE horses, but my kids were pretty excited about going for some pony rides as well!
Petting Zoo:

You can cuddle baby animals, but there is also a petting area for large animals as well. In this giant pen you can pet full grown sheep, goats, llamas, donkeys, and pigs.
Jumping Pillows:

If you want to wear all the energy out of your kids, this is wear to do it. There are 2 giant inflated jumping pillows for kids to jump on. To make it even more fun they even have pool noodles to play fight with as well.
Tied between 2 trees I a slacklining obstacle course that the older kids will love. This challenging course isn’t as fun for the younger kids as they won’t be able to reach the ropes and hoops, but so fun for the older ones.
The obstacle course is raised above a long rope. The kids will have to not only go through the obstacle course, but will also have to balance on this rope the entire way across.
Tug O’ War:
Tug O’ War match between you and your kids at the Tug O’ War station! Who will win? Now’s your chance to find out.
Tire Hill and Slide:

No matter how cool the place is, my kids favorite thing will always be the playground. Sweet Eats Farm doesn’t have a playground per say, but similar to it, it has a large climbing area with a slide. There is a mountain of tires for kids to climb and at the top is a large tube-like slide.
Apple Cannon:

Most farms require you to purchase the apples or pumpkins to use the apple cannons. Now don’t get me wrong this farm requires you to purchase a bucket to shoot the apples, but they give you one apple per person free! This is a genius move on their part though, cause once you shoot one, you will be hooked and won’t resist the urge to purchase an entire bucket!
Its just so fun! They have to cannons pointed toward a field of large metal creature silhouettes. I am proud to say my kids had good enough aim to make a dent in Big Foot’s leg and smack a werewolf in the chest pretty hard!
Face Painting:
Face painting is included with admission! I am gonna say that one again, because this almost never happens, face painting is included with admission! They have quite a large assortment of designs to choose from; including animals, mythical creatures, and superheroes.
Pedal Carts/Trikes:

Imagine if the Flintstones had 4 wheelers, and you can imagine what these pedal carts are that you can ride at Sweet Eats Farm. 4 larges tires are placed on what seems to be the skeleton of a 4 wheeler, but instead of them being motorized you need to pedal them. I got the work out of my life pedaling these giant things around the maze like race track.
Luckily there are little trikes and big ones for the adults. What I loved the most was that most of the big ones had small seats for little kids. It is so much easier to pedal these things without a kid in your lap.
Hamster Rollers:
Embrace your inner hamster by racing on a small track inside a giant tube. Run into the tube to make it roll with you inside it, just like a hamster.
Rubber Ducky Races:
Another one of my kids favorite things to do at Sweet Eats Farm is the Rubber Ducky Races. There are several hand water pumps with pipes leading out in front of them. What you gotta do is place your rubber ducky on the pipe in-front of the water pump, so when you start pumping the water the waves make your duck move.
The fun part of this is racing your opponent to see if your duck can reach the end of the pipe the fastest! Pump hard!
Strawberry Picking:
One of the first things you will see as you enter through the admissions barn is a field of strawberry plants. Now depending on the day and the availability, you can go pick your own strawberries. Its around $4.25 per pound of your very own hand picked fresh strawberries!
Bounce Pen:

Welcome to the rodeo, toddler style. I know you have seen those bouncy animals in store and on the internet. The entire pen is covered in these bouncy animals. Toddlers and babies will love this section as it is a fun and safe environment for them to play and bounce.
Even More Things To Do:
- Metal Maze
- Treasure Mountain
- Corn Hole
- Wall Climbing
- Art Area
- Gaga Ball
- River Access
- Zip Line
Other Fun Things To Do Nearby:
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