It is December and the weather has turned to be quite chilly. While Midland and Odessa is booming with playgrounds and splash pads for those hot summer days, the question is what is there to do in those few months when the weather gets cold and the rain picks up? I have lived in the …
A Guide To Finding The Murals In Odessa, Texas
Odessa, Texas isn’t exactly known for its beauty. My mom actually calls it ‘Odessalation’ because there is literally nothing here but dirt and oil rigs. You would be surprised to find out though that this run down town has turned into a vibrant canvas of art. You would not believe the art you will find …
The Top Splash Pads In West Texas For Your Family This Summer
When I explain West Texas to people who have never been here, I tend to use words like, HOT, dirt, sand, oil, and desert. This is what West Texas is; it is a desert and it is ridiculously hot. Literally as I am writing this we just survived a 109 degree day with the rest …
Things To Do In Odessa, Texas With Kids
My senior year of high school, my parents moved us down to Odessa, Texas. We quickly gave this West Texas town a new nickname of “Odessa-lation.” This desolate land was an eye sore and lets be honest pretty creepy. So lets just say I was extremely happy when my husband and I moved up to …
The Rabbit Hunt For The Odessa Jackrabbits
You see one here! You see one there! You see one everywhere! You can not drive through Odessa, Texas without seeing the giant colorful jack rabbit statues along the side of the road. These 31 iconic Odessa jackrabbits are a symbol of this west Texas town that many people see, but not many stop and …