If you Google places to eat in Midland, Texas; the list will consist of mostly taco joints and Mexican restaurants. Midland is known for its high Hispanic culture and so we have some incredible Tex-Mex eateries in town. This is what the majority will see when they come to Midland, but the true gem of …
west texas
Hank the Cowdog Takes Over Lubbock’s Ranching Heritage Center with an Exciting New Experience
I feel like every little girl grows up wanting to be one of two things, either a princess or a cowgirl. I was one of those cowgirl gals! So my childhood consisted of cowgirl boots, horse movies, and any sort of ranching book there was. One of my favorite childhood western book series was Hank …
Family Fun Fall Activities in The Permian Basin
I think West Texas area is known for being a place, where there is nothing to do. Nobody visits because there isn’t really anything to do, and everybody that lives here is so bored. I mean you look at places like Austin or Dallas, that have events everyday and weekends are filled with tons of …
Family Friendly Things To Do In Fort Stockton, Texas
When people think of West Texas the number one place people think about is Big Bend National Park! I don’t blame them, I mean that is the gem of West Texas. Fort Stockton is the perfect town to represent what I think of, when I think of West Texas. This tiny little town is located …
A Guide To Finding The Murals In Odessa, Texas
Odessa, Texas isn’t exactly known for its beauty. My mom actually calls it ‘Odessalation’ because there is literally nothing here but dirt and oil rigs. You would be surprised to find out though that this run down town has turned into a vibrant canvas of art. You would not believe the art you will find …
Adventure Awaits: Things to Do In Big Spring, Texas
Like many other Permian Basin towns, Big Spring, Texas was built up due to the thriving industry of the area…..oil! The city is located in one of the largest oil-producing regions in the United States. Oil equals jobs, jobs equal people, and people want stuff to do. Which begs the question what is there to …
Day Trip From Midland, Texas: Spending A Day In Andrews, Texas
One of the things I have heard over and over again while living in West Texas, is that there is nothing to do here. So when I moved back to West Texas 2 years ago I made a decision to try and find anything and everything there is to do in this desert side of …
The Top Splash Pads In West Texas For Your Family This Summer
When I explain West Texas to people who have never been here, I tend to use words like, HOT, dirt, sand, oil, and desert. This is what West Texas is; it is a desert and it is ridiculously hot. Literally as I am writing this we just survived a 109 degree day with the rest …
What We Wish We Had Known Before Hiking To The Desk On Hancock Hill
Have you ever been just scrolling through Instagram and saw somebody doing something amazing and you think to yourself, “hey I want to do that!” This may be the story of my life. If you are a complete travel addict like me, once you see something you want to do then you automatically start planning …
Where To Find Murals In Midland, Texas
The Tall City is becoming the art city! Midland, Texas is not a city known for its looks. Lets be for real, west Texas in general is so flat, covered in mesquite, and decorated with trash. When flying into this town from an airplane all you can see is a grid of dirt lots and …